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新标准英语三年级起点第八册Module 6 教案

[04-03 14:54:17]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  小学英语教案   阅读:8884

概要:Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book. 课题:MODULE6 Unit1 I bought you this book.Teaching aims and demands:1. Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组 (master)2. Phrases: playing baseball 打棒球 give it to you 把它给你 baseball team 棒球队 looks interesting 看起来有趣 (master)3 Main sentence patterns:1) I bought you this book.2) It looks interesting.3) Who gave it to you?4) Simon’s family gave it to me. (Master)4 Grammar: The form about the past tense.Function: Give and receive the pre

新标准英语三年级起点第八册Module 6 教案,标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案,http://www.youer8.com

Module 6

Unit 1 I bought you this book.


课题:MODULE6 Unit1 I bought you this book.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组 (master)

2. Phrases: playing baseball  打棒球

        give it to you    把它给你

        baseball team   棒球队

        looks interesting  看起来有趣  (master)

3 Main sentence patterns:

1) I bought you this book.

2) It looks interesting.

3) Who gave it to you?

4) Simon’s family gave it to me. (Master)

4 Grammar: The form about the past tense.

Function: Give and receive the presents. (掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式及关键词,并会使用)

Use the task:

1 SB Unit1 Part3 and 4

2 AB Unit1 Exercises 1-4

Tools: tape, pictures and word cards

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warmer and revision

1 Sing a song.

2 Talk and write down the words about track and field events. For example: basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, long jump, high jump, morning exercises, swimming, etc.

Step2 Presentation:

1 Give the task (布置自学任务)

2 Show in class (课堂展示)

1) Write the new words on the Bb. (Read and learn together)

2) Write down the main sentence patterns you don’t know:

I bought you this book about America.

It’s looks interesting.

It’s for playing baseball.

Simon’s family gave it to me.

But you can have this one.

(Read together or follow the teacher, then translate)

3) Find the words “bought, gave” in the dialogue. Under line the sentences with “bought, gave”.

3 Play the tape. Listen and read the text.

4 Explain the knowledge.(知识讲解)

1)            动词的过去时构成


一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:played, watched.


ride---rode  win---won  drink---drank  eat---ate  is---was  go---went  see---saw  buy---bought  give---gave

2) 句型:给某人买东西有两种形式:

主+bought +宾语 + 物品

I bought you this book about China. 

主+bought + 物品+ for+宾语

I bought this book about China for you.

Step3 practice (Use cap, book, computer game and bike)

1)      For example: I bought you a book. Thank you. Who gave it to you? Zhang Wei gave it to me.

To make the same sentences

2)      Read the dialogue in part 1 in roles.

3)      Act out the dialogues in roles

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Read about Daming. Use the words in the boxes.

2. Do Exercise 1-4 in Unit 1

Homework and summary

1 Do Exercise 1-2. 2 Read the dialogues in Unit 1. 3 Learn Unit 2


Unit 2 What’s it about?

课题:Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about?

Teaching aims and demands

Words and phases: took 带着, sent 发送, spaceship 宇宙飞船, even 甚至, space 宇宙, Russia 俄罗斯, bicycle 自行车, American spaceship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船, took into带…进入 send … into把…发送进入…… looks interesting看起来有趣 went away走开

Main sentence patterns: What’s it about? Russia sent the first animal into space.  I bought her a bicycle.

Teaching point: talk about past tense.

             Using bought, took and sent.

Function: talk about the present.

Tools : tape  .pictures  .some  books  (一些新书)

Teaching steps:

Step l Warm up and revision

  1. Sing a song “What do you want to eat?”

  2. Give out the past tense.  如:go----went. go  buy   give  eat  is  am  see  watch  win  ride

  3. Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8.


www.youer8.com Step 2 Presentation

  1. Give  the  task :  (应在前一节课结束时布置任务)

  ① Find out the new words

  ② Listen and read the text

③ Find out the main sentence patterns

④ Try to introduce your gift

2. Show in class.

1) Write the new words on the blackboard and read

2) Read and write down the main sentence patterns

  Russia sent the first animal into space

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