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[01-22 23:30:10]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  五年级英语复习   阅读:8866

概要:【成语来源】stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep鹤立鸡群Ji Shao, an aide to Emperor Jin Hui during the Jin Dynasty, was handsome and talented.晋朝时,有一个人叫嵇绍,担任晋惠帝的侍从官。他长得仪表堂堂,而且才能出众。Once, when his country was being invaded, he accompanied Emperor Jin Hui in defending the country, but, unfortunately, they lost the war. Most of the soldiers died or deserted, but Ji Shao stayed with the emperor to protect him.一次,有人侵犯京城。嵇绍跟随惠帝前去,征讨叛乱。不料打了败仗,随行的官员、将领以及侍卫死伤无数,还有很多人逃跑了,只有嵇绍保护着惠帝,始终不离左右。Upon see



  stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep


  Ji Shao, an aide to Emperor Jin Hui during the Jin Dynasty, was handsome and talented.


  Once, when his country was being invaded, he accompanied Emperor Jin Hui in defending the country, but, unfortunately, they lost the war. Most of the soldiers died or deserted, but Ji Shao stayed with the emperor to protect him.


  Upon seeing this, the people were moved and said:“Ji Shao stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep, preeminent and superior.”


  This idiom is currently used to describe prominent people with good looks and impressive abilities among a crowd.



  成语“鹤立鸡群”既可以表面上形容“一个人因身高高挑在众人中显得突出”,也可以形容“一个人因为相貌或者卓越才能,亦或是出挑的行为在众人中显得突出”,英文中相应表达可以用“stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep”,本意就是“像一只在羊群中站立的骆驼”.


  Because all the other people were waiting in line, I did not want to stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep, and I decided to wait in line as well.


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