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[04-08 01:39:11]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  教师资料   阅读:8632

概要:15.B barren:贫瘠。bare:赤裸的,光秃的。That probably is the most bare and inhospitable island I’ve ever seen.那可能是我见过的最荒凉的、最不宜居住的岛屿了。hairless:没有毛发的。His body is smooth and hairless.他的躯体光溜溜的,并且不长毛。empty:空。The room is bare and empty.房间空荡荡的。bald:秃的。She is going bald.她日渐秃顶。 词汇学习5:1.A appalling表示条件之差使人感到吃惊。dreadful有类似的意义。如:My financial situation is dreadful.此句改用appalling也是可以的。bad,unpleasant和poor都可以跟condition搭配。因此可以说:They have been living under bad conditions for two years.They have been living under u


15.B  barren:贫瘠。bare:赤裸的,光秃的。That probably is the most bare and inhospitable island I’ve ever seen.那可能是我见过的最荒凉的、最不宜居住的岛屿了。hairless:没有毛发的。His body is smooth and hairless.他的躯体光溜溜的,并且不长毛。empty:空。The room is bare and empty.房间空荡荡的。bald:秃的。She is going bald.她日渐秃顶。



1.A  appalling表示条件之差使人感到吃惊。dreadful有类似的意义。如:My financial situation is dreadful.此句改用appalling也是可以的。bad,unpleasant和poor都可以跟condition搭配。因此可以说:They have been living under bad conditions for two years.They have been living under unpleasant conditions for two years.They have been living under poor conditions for two years.注意:appalling conditions蕴涵bad (或unpleasant或poor) conditions.但反向的蕴涵是不成立的。用句通俗的话说,是appalling conditions必定是bad (或unpleasant或poor)conditions,但是bad(或unpleasant或poor)conditions未必都是appalling conditions。也就是说,appalling跟bad,unpleasant和poor在意义上存在着明显的差别。注意:如果用 bad或poor替换appalling,生成的都是错误的句子。

2. B  anyhow的一种意思是:不管其他句子所说的,本命题为真。可以看出,该词用在该句中非常合适,因为I wasn’t qualified for the job really是“不管其他句子所说的”,I got it这个命题是真的。又如:I am coming anyhow, no matter what others say.其中的no matter what others say是说:不管其他人怎么说。I am coming这个命题是真的。anyway在绝大多数情况中表达的意义跟anyhow都相同,因而二者常可替换。anyhow有一种意思是后面所说的支持前面所说的,在这一种意思上,它等于besides.Mother certainly won’t let him stay with her and anyhow he wouldn’t.此处的anyhow可由besides替换。但练习题中的anyhow不是这个意思。anyhow也可用来结束会话,这也是well的一个功能。如:Anyhow, thanks a lot.Bye bye. 但练习题中的anyhow不是用来结束会话的,因而不能由well替换。

3.C  attain有通过努力取得了某种东西或达到某种状态的意思。如:He attained the position of minister.They were unable to attain their objectives.achieve的意思是通过努力取得或达到某种目标,意思跟attain很接近,因而可由后者替换。reached也有“达到”的意思,但它本身并不含“需要通过努力”,因而它不可替代achieved.下面举一个reach用法的例子:The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.reap是“收获,获得”的意思。The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables.You’ll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.take也有“获得,取得”的意思,但它不能跟success搭配。

4.D  capability:能力,力量。又如:Now we have the capability of defending our country, all thanks to our own efforts.The country has the capability to defeat any aggressor.ability:能力,本领。From each according to his abilities,to each according to his work.ability和capability在意义上有相同的一面,因而在一定语境中可以互换。可以看出,ability和capability在搭配上是有差别的,前者只可跟to搭配,但后者既可跟to又可跟of搭配。二者的形容词分别是able和capable:I ought to be able to live on my salary.She was perfectly ca

www.youer8.com pable of taking care of herself.注意:capable只能跟of而不能跟to搭配。不难看出,词的意义不决定句法结构。strength:力量:优点。Their military strength has gone down because their air force has proved to be an effective force.此句中的strength可由capacity替代而不改变句子的意义。possibility:可能性。

5.A  in conjunction with:共同。together with具有相同的意思,用together代入后,所生成的也是一个在语法上正确的句子。in succession:接连发生,不跟with,如:He had missed five dinners in succession.in alliance with:结盟。They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.in connection with:在……一起;相关。13 men were questioned in connection with the murder.

6.B  credible:可信的。convincing:可信的。That is the least convincing excuse that you could offer. convincing可替换credible而不改变句子的意义。workable:可行的,行得通的。Your plan is workable.practical:实际的,现实的。He is weak in practical matters.reliable:靠得住的。John is a reliable man.

7.C  diligent:勤奋的,努力的。hardworking:勤奋的,努力的。Jack was hardworking and energetic.ambitious:雄心勃勃的;有野心的。Chris is so ambitious,so determined to do it all.1azy:懒惰的。I was too lazy to read music.clever:聪明的。She is beautiful and clever.

8.D  diverse:多种多样的;不同的。varied:多种多样的;不同的。It is important that your diet is varied and balanced.colorful:多色的:绚丽的。People in this small town wear colorful clothes.attractive:迷人的;吸引人的。She is both attractive and intelligent.flexible:灵活的。My schedule is flexible.

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