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[05-10 03:32:51]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  小学英语教学计划   阅读:8203

概要:一、复习内容1、课文(一) 学生能够正确拼写let’s learn课后单词(二) 学生能够正确、流利地认读let’s talk课文(三) Read and Write中的重点句学生能够达到四会 (即听、说、读、写) 学生能够独立完成下面练习:2、 READ ALOUD 学生能够认读所学字母组合及辅音字母在单词中的发音 例如: ai ay gr gl ear eer ch sh……3、指导学生阅读短文4 根据题型进行专项复习 二、复习具体措施1、单词,词组的复习A按词性归类复习单词B按所含元音及字母组合归类复习单词。C 按词汇表复习单词。2.句子的复习句子是英语学习的重点,通过各种方法帮助学生梳理学过的句子(1) 指导学生在语境中复习句子,让学生分清日常交际用语的运用场合(2)根据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子(3)指导学生在表演中运用句子,使复习课同样生动有趣。3.注意因材施教,采用分层教育,帮助不同层次的学生获得不同的提高和收获。对基础差的同学,重点放在基础知识的复习上,对于一些尖子生,重点放在能力的培养和综合知识的运



(一) 学生能够正确拼写let’s learn课后单词
(二)  学生能够正确、流利地认读let’s talk课文
(三) Read and Write 中的重点句学生能够达到四会  (即听、说、读、写)
2、 READ ALOUD    学生能够认读所学字母组合及辅音字母在单词中的发音
   例如: ai  ay  gr  gl  ear  eer  ch  sh……

4 根据题型进行专项复习 





C 按词汇表复习单词。



(1)    指导学生在语境中复习句子,让学生分清日常交际用语的运用场合






Unit 1

do morning exercises    eat breakfast    have English class  play sports      eat dinner    get up      climb mountains  go shopping        play the piano      visit grandparents  go hiking     usually    often   sometimes

When do you eat dinner?  I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

When do you get up?  I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.

What do you do on the weekend?

Usually I watch TV and go shopping.

Sometimes I visit my grandparents.  What about you? 

I often play football.  Sometimes I go hiking.

Unit 2

spring    summer    fall    winter    season  which   best swim   fly kites    sleep   skate    make a snowman     plant trees    why     because

Which season do you like best?  I like winter best.

Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.

Why do you like summer?  Because I can swim in the lake.

Why do you like winter?   Because I can sleep a long time.

Unit 3

January(Jan.)  February(Feb.)  March(Mar.) April(Apr.)      May      June     July    August (Aug.)    September (Sept.)   October (Oct.)  November (Nov.)   December (Dec.)   birthday    uncle      her      date

When is your birthday?  It’s in May.

My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.

Is her birthday in June?  Yes.  What’s the date?  June 9th .

Unit 4

draw pictures      cook dinner         read a book 

answer the phone   listen to music     clean the room

write a letter     write an e-mail    mom  grandpa study

Hi, John. This is Zhang Peng. 

What are you doing?  I’m doing the dishes. 

I’m reading a book.

Grandpa is writing a letter. 

Brother is doing homework. 

Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 

He’s writing an e-mail in the study.


Unit 5

fly    jump    walk    run    swim    kangaroo   sleep    climb     fight     swing     drink water 

What is it doing?  It’s eating bananas. 

What is she doing?  She’s jumping.

What are they doing?  They’re swimming. 

They’re climbing trees.

Unit 6

take pictures       watch insects        pick up leaves     do an experiment      catch butterflies     count insects  collect leaves         write a report         play chess   have a picnic             honey

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