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[07-20 13:39:41]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  小学五年级英语试卷   阅读:8839

概要:( ) 5. –Which season do you like best ? ______ A. Summer B. September C. Monday( ) 6. It’s time ___ go to school . A. for B. to C. at( ) 7. Amy doesn’t like to play__ football. She likes to play __ piano.A. the , the B. × , the C. the , ×( ) 8. He can’t go hiking, ____ A. too B. either C. to( ) 9. I would like ___ some coffee. A. drink B. drinking C. to drink( )10. The elephant is drinking water with___ trunk. A. It’s www.

) 5. –Which season do you like best ?  ______

   A. Summer        B. September      C. Monday

) 6. It’s time ___ go to school .   A. for    B. to   C. at

) 7. Amy doesn’t like to play__ football. She likes to play __ piano.

A. the , the       B. × , the        C. the , ×

) 8. He can’t go hiking, ____      A. too    B. either   C. to

) 9. I would like ___ some coffee. 

A. drink     B. drinking     C. to drink

)10. The elephant is drinking water with___ trunk.

  A. It’s    

www.youer8.com   B. its      C. it’s


1. The   are   climbing   trees   pandas  


2. I   speak   to   Can   him  please


3. at   Usually    get   at 12:00   up   noon


4. My   birthday   sister’s   September   is   in


5. cooking   in   kitchen   the   dinner   Dad   is



Man: Hello

John: Hello, can  speak  to  Chenjie , please?

Man: sure ,Hold on , please.  She’s doing homework,

Chen: Hello

John: Hi ,This  is  John.

Chen: Hi , John, what  are  you  doing ?

John: My family  is  having  field  trip.

Chen: Really?  That’s fun  .What  is  your  father  doing?

John: Guess!

Chen: Is  he  taking  pictures?

John: Yes , he  is .

Chen: Is  your  mother  listening  to  music?

John: No ,she  isn’t  ,she’s  playing  chess.

Chen: What  is  your  brother  doing?

John: He’s  having   picnic.

Chen: Have  fun.

John: Thank  you . Talk  to you  later

Chen: Bye .


(1)what  is   Chen Jie  doing?


(2)Is  John’s  father  taking  pictures?


(3)Is  John’s  mother  listening   to the  music?


(4)Is  John’s  brother  having   picnic?


www.youer8.com ___________________

(5) Is  John  at  home?
